Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How's This Going to Work?

Hi! We're trying something a little different this month. July 2009 is "Campbell at the Movies" month. Every Wednesday this month we'll show a movie (see the schedule at right) and the following Sunday that movie will shape the worship services.

In the interim, we will use this blog to discuss the movie. Questions, thoughts, ideas, musings of various kinds will all be welcome here. Comments that start with "Oh, I loved that part where ...." will be awesome! Or maybe, "What do you make of that moment when ..." That kind of stuff.

When you make a comment, either sign in and use your user name or go ahead and include your name in an "anonymous" comment, so we'll know who we are talking with. If you'd like to keep track of the conversation more intentionally, you can become a "follower" of this blog by clicking on the link over there on the right side.

I am eager to see how this is all going to work. It's going to be pretty fun! We'll get started with "Wall-E" tomorrow night, so come one, come all - and invite a friend!